This might be the toughest Level up heavy bag workout so far! Workout 4 of level up Heavy Bag workouts once again has the perfect mix of intensity utilizing Interval and build up boxing combo rounds. These 10 x 3 minute round simulate the length of an actual 10 round boxing match. This workout brings tougher combos and intense coached rounds. Realtime effort data is shown on screen to motivate and provide a reference while you work. Let me coach you through this amazing all boxing workout series
Lets get to it. Your warm up round is coming up first
Up Next in Level Up Heavy Bag Workout Series Season 1
Level Up Heavy Bag Workout 6
I lied, this is the toughest Level up heavy bag workout so far! Workout 4 of level up Heavy Bag workouts once again has the perfect mix of intensity utilizing Interval and build up boxing combo rounds. These 10 x 3 minute round simulate the length of an actual 10 round boxing match. This workout...