Fight Shape Conditioning | Heavy Bag | Fight 3
Same fight style but more effort is needed to get the win.
- 40 minute heavy bag workouts with 8 rounds of work.
- 3:00 rounds x 30 second intervals
- 3:00 Warm up
- Live on screen heart rate and calorie burn data
- Full coaching
- Timer for each round and set
- Incredible boxing and conditioning for amazing results.
You biggest challenge is waiting for you. Prepare to beat your last win EVERY WORKOUT!
Lets do this!
5 Minute Challenge - Graphics only
Start with a basic boxing combo. Watch for the combo to change with the graphics on screen and adapt quickly.
Fight Shape 4 - No music
Same fight style but more effort is needed to get the win.
- 40 minute heavy bag workouts with 8 rounds of work.
- 3:00 rounds x 30 second intervals
- 3:00 Warm up
- Live on screen heart rate and calorie burn data
- Full coaching
- Timer for each round and set
- Incredible boxing and conditi... -
Fight Shape Conditioning || Heavy Bag...
Same fight style but more effort is needed to get the win.
- 40 minute heavy bag workouts with 8 rounds of work.
- 3:00 rounds x 30 second intervals
- 3:00 Warm up
- Live on screen heart rate and calorie burn data
- Full coaching
- Timer for each round and set
- Incredible boxing and conditi...