Competitive Virtual Shadow Boxing

Competitive Virtual Shadow Boxing

5 Episodes

Connect your device to the Internet and get ready to enter the world of Virtual Shadow Boxing! A dynamic and interactive fitness experience unlike any other, Virtual Shadow Boxing will get you up and working out in no time, increasing your speed, hand/eye coordination and reactionabilities.

With state-of-the-art motion graphics created by Nate’s team, on-screen graphics explode as you punch. Ideal for beginners or experienced boxers, workout speeds increase the better you become, super-charging your punches and movements. Along with Nate’s informative and easy-to-follow nutrition program, Virtual Shadow Boxing will help you see benefits in no time.

Included in the series:
• Program PDF
• A Full Workout Tutorial, which breaks down all graphics, and links them to all defensive movements, steps and punches
• All Workout files on MP3, so you can conveniently workout just to audio

Competitive Virtual Shadow Boxing
  • Competitive Virtual Shadow Boxing Session 1

    Episode 1

    Connect your device to the Internet and get ready to enter the world of Virtual Shadow Boxing! A dynamic and interactive fitness experience unlike any other, Virtual Shadow Boxing will get you up and working out in no time, increasing your speed, hand/eye coordination and reaction abilities.


  • Competitive Virtual Shadow Boxing Session 2

    Episode 2

    In session 2 you'll battle faster, more erratic on-screen graphics and fight ready boxing combinations. Ideal for beginners or experienced boxers, workout speeds increase the better you become, super-charging your punches and movements. Along with Nate’s informative and easy-to-follow nutrition p...

  • Competitive Virtual Shadow Boxing Session 3

    Episode 3

    In session 3 you'll battle faster, more erratic on-screen graphics and fight ready boxing combinations. Ideal for beginners or experienced boxers, workout speeds increase the better you become, super-charging your punches and movements. Along with Nate’s informative and easy-to-follow nutrition p...

  • Competitive Virtual Shadow Boxing Tutorial

    Episode 4

    This Virtual Boxing Tutorial prepares you for the Virtual Shadow boxing experience. This video shows each user the motion graphics associated with every punch, movement and defensive action. Like a real boxing match, preparation is the key to victory. Use this tutorial as training before enter...

  • Virtual Shadow Boxing Intro

    Episode 5

    Check out the Virtual Shadow Boxing Intro.
    Connect your device to the Internet and get ready to enter the world of Virtual Shadow Boxing! A dynamic and interactive fitness experience unlike any other, Virtual Shadow Boxing will get you up and working out in no time, increasing your speed, hand/ey...